Sunday, May 8, 2022

April Fool's

Just seeing the header in my email? I knew it was an April Fool's. LMAO But the real year round joke? The G-Home itself, at least so far compared to Amazon's Echo. They have a long way to go catching up with Amazon. Other than a better sounding speaker, it does nothing for me. It can't even play any of my free or paid music streaming services! It won't control my Insteon smart home system (which is why I got the Echo in the first place, 2015)! Alexa's 10,000 skills and growing. Whatcha got Google? The voice sounds inferior and when I ask for the weather, it takes up to 2, that's right TWO seconds to start speaking. Bleh...

Bugaboos, or my personal pet peeves as an ADHD with co-occurring "disorders"

A. Why don't "they put a scale or numbers on Computer speakers? B. For ADHD ppl with perfectionism as part of their personailty, this stuff drives me batty